e-Governance Academy
for the Caribbean
What we do
The E-Governance Academy for the Caribbean (EGA4C) assists public sector and civil society organizations in the Caribbean, Central and South America region in making digital transformation happen.
We assist you with advisory services, e-courses and study visits, cooperation projects, technology advisory, implementation support, networking, and research to:
Increase the efficiency of the government
Improve democratic processes
Improve the security of the national cyberspace
Implement technology and changes in the government
By doing that we promote the knowledge and best practice of Estonia - the most developed digital society, and other countries and governments.

Our reach
Our experts have worked with more than 230 organizations and trained more than 6,800 officials in 132 countries and regions around the world, including
Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahama, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Cayman Islands, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Our services
Smart governance
Benefit from our knowledge and experience to make informed choices throughout the digital transformation of your country or city. We assess the digital maturity level of your country or organization, and help to develop and implement a digital transformation roadmaps that help unlock your digital potential.
We support governments in digital transformation policy planning and implementation, and help build up the capacity of institutions tasked with the development of e-government systems.
We help to enhance government transparency, accountability, and participation using the potential of ICT, and offer citizens an additional opportunity to participate in political processes.
This results in improved political decisions for the whole of society. We provide municipalities and citizens’ organizations with policy advice, training, and consultancy services.
Study visits
Participate in tailor-made e-governance study visits to Estonia, to experience how your country can boost its digital development and competitiveness and understand how to benefit from the lessons learned by Estonia in the development of its own e-state.
Learn how your country can boost its digital development from a distance! Through the collaboration of all participating delegates and eGA experts, you will gain multi-layered insights that help streamline your future plans. Learn more at e-courses.
Tap our knowledge in developing and maintaining cybersecurity capacities, which allows for the safe usage of digital services in your country. We also help in maturity assessment, policy development and capacity building to ensure the trustworthiness of your national cyberspace.
National Cyber Security Index
Make use of our tool that assesses the cybersecurity preparedness of your country. This index is also a dynamic database with publicly available evidence materials and a tool for capacity building. Check out how the countries handle their cybersecurity challenges at NCSI.ega.ee.

About EGA4C
E-Governance Academy for the Caribbean Ltd (EGA4C) was incorporated in 2021 in Kingston, Jamaica by
e-Governance Academy, Estonia.
The company provides a wide variety of digital transformation services in close collaboration with the e-Governance Academy, Estonia.
We play key roles in e-government and digital transformation policy planning and implementation, including the formation of the lead organizations responsible for developing a nation’s interoperability framework, and related legal and technical framework development and management.
Our team
E-Governance Academy for the Caribbean Ltd (EGA4C) relies on the hands-on a core staff of 42 and more than 320 e-governance experts in its global competency network.
They have unique hands-on experience developing e-government solutions and a long track record in public sector change management.
Contact us

Holding Company
e-Governance Academy
Rotermanni 8, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 663 1500
Email: info@ega.ee